The Loving Me Academy

Also known as LMA was founded by Lady J back in 2015 while she was deployed to Afghanistan. We started off as an online retreat and over the years we have grown our programs & our sisterhood.

No matter the growth the mission remains the same. To create a safe space for women to find their identity in the LOVE of Jesus and sisterhood. Here at LMA we do life together growing in our WORD and our WORTH.

If you are wondering just what we offer here’s a brief overview:

LMA Insider is our monthly membership where we meet twice a week for prayer/devotion and girl chat/accountability.

Faith Unleashed is our 5-city tour where we travel to host brunch encounters for Christian Women all over the US.

FILM (Falling In Love With Me) is our virtual retreat where we walk you through a week of interactive workshops, daily challenges and lots of selfceare. Here is where we invite you to be selfish for a week to prioritize your soul care.

Insider Retreat is an exclusive weekend getaway just for our paying members to rest, relax, and recharge with spa activities, workshops, guest speakers and group bonding activities. Here’s where we grow together and love on one another!